New Wholesale and Retail Packaging at Knot By Gran'ma

Knot By Gran'ma has brand new packaging! This new look feels like it's been in the works for ages, and it's lovely to see it all come together.

The need for better packaging arrived because Knot By Gran'ma has a wholesale display problem without it. You can't wholesale gift boxes that you can't see through. We switched over to clear-top boxes. You can't correctly display a clear top box with the items inside moving inside the box. We added backer cards. You can't always tell what a cat butt ornament is while hanging off a display hook. We added plastic packaging with branded card tops and stickers that tell you what you are buying.

By the way, wholesale information for Knot By Gran'ma is available, and you can read more about it by clicking here.

New Wholesale and Retail Packaging at Knot By Gran'ma

Do you know how difficult it is to brand and package butts so that they are somewhat wholesome and family-friendly? Do you? Butts usually aren't the kind of things that you class up a little. I think we did a great job with it. Everything is clean. The branding is clear and cohesive. The butts dress up as nicely as possible, considering they're butts. But most importantly, they are easy to display in a retail setting.

The new look is rolling out per order, but the long-term plan is to have our inventory 100% ready to be shipped out whenever needed. Your shop orders 100 cat butts? They are already hanging up on a rack, ready to ship. The holiday stock for chicken butts with Christmas cards? They're packaged up and awaiting orders.

Knot By gran'ma Halloween collection in the new wholesale packaging

Soon the KBG inventory can be fully assembled in advance, easing part of the workload, especially during the holidays. We'll be able to streamline orders and shipping, leaving valuable time to make more inventory and grow. I'll also be able to hire help for this part because it'll just be assembling the butts as keychains, ornaments, or gift boxes with cards.

I'm keeping the Kraft boxes for our retail items until I run out. The decision to switch over to plastic from Kraft is one I'm still weighing. The need for clear tops isn't there for orders placed through the internet, and the compromise might be that I keep the Kraft for those purposes. The plastic issue is something that I'm still trying to work around. For now, it's necessary, but renewable packaging is more appealing and part of the next packaging phase.

Regardless, keep your eyes out for our new look. I hope to have more Knot By Gran'ma inventory scattered in shops nationwide for the holidays.

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